Monday, March 3, 2014

Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

This week we were gearing up for Sinatra's next round, Phase 2 of Consolidation, and our first "study" arm of treatment. Sinatra's blood counts from labs done last week looked good and we went back this morning to do labs once more to make sure she was ready to begin treatment again. This next round is what they call "count dependent" which means that her blood work has to return counts that are above a certain number in order for her body to be ready to take on more chemo. Specifically her ANC has to be 750 or greater to begin getting more chemo.

Unfortunately she went from an ANC of 1000+ on Thursday to an ANC of 420 today which means we won't be able to start treatment this week. So no meds this week while Sinatra's body recovers and we will be back at the clinic on Friday 3/7 and Monday 3/10 to see where she lands. If all is well then we will be starting the next round on 3/11. 

The first week of this phase consists of 5 straight days of chemo with multiple drugs and hydration through an IV that will require 8 hour long visits each day to the OPI. This round is planned to be her most intense schedule yet. We will give you more details on the plan, the meds and the next 30 days once we get started. We are literally just taking things one day at a time right now.


  1. Hi Jenn, I read about Sinatra on Facebook and I have kept your family in my prayers ever since. She is such a beautiful little girl. You are one amazing mama! I can't imagine what you have been going through these past few months, but I have faith it will all turn out well for her. You are in my thoughts! Love, Melissa (Cook) Hoyal

  2. One day at a time is all you can do! Saying prayers that Sinatra's body rebounds in time to start the next arm of treatment next week. So glad I got to see you Jenn this week. Big hugs!!
